Elasticity for the slab track in the Gotthard Base Tunnel
Sylodyn® elastic insertion pads for sleeper boots in the world's longest rail tunnel
At 57 kilometres in length, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest rail tunnel in the world. It links the Swiss communities of Erstfeld and Bodio. The tunnel forms part of the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA), which is at present the largest construction project in Switzerland.
The challenges
- The project of the century: At 57 kilometres, the longest railway tunnel in the world.
- Particular environmental conditions in the tunnel – such as ambient temperatures of up to 40 °C and humidity as high as 70%.
- Strong pressure and suction forces due to the high speeds of the trains.
- Above-average stress on the line due to extremely frequent use of track, with up to 250 trains per day.
The Getzner solution
All the materials in the Gotthard Base Tunnel and on the lines leading to the tunnel entrances must provide outstanding performance over their entire service life. For these special requirements, Sonneville AG's LVT (Low Vibration Track) system was selected – one of the world's first slab track systems.
In addition, all the slab track turnouts (manufactured by voestalpine-Weichensysteme GmbH) in the tunnel have been supported elastically with the Sylodyn® material. Numerous turnouts and individual track sections on the main lines feeding into the tunnel with ballast superstructure have also been fitted with Getzner sleeper pads.

Advantages for the customer
- Optimised solution
- Extensive project support
- Just-in-time logistics
- Increase of track stability and service life
- High supply availability and optimum quality
Getzner had to ensure high supply availability for the whole duration of the project, and guarantee a consistent extremely high level of quality – for the entire period of use.

Products used
Elastic insertion pads for sleeper boots

Elastomers with pronounced spring characteristics
Under ballast mats

Elastomers with pronounced spring characteristics