Two new apprentices at Getzner Werkstoffe
In September, two new apprentices started their apprenticeships at Getzner Werkstoffe. Leandro Noventa and Paul Höcher are starting as metal technician and electrical technician.
Getzner currently employs a total of 13 apprentices in the professions of electrical technician, laboratory technician, metal technician, industrial clerk and IT technician - some of whom are completing their apprenticeships on a rotational basis.
On September 4, the new apprentices were welcomed by their fellow apprentices, the trainers, the apprenticeship manager Arne Rhomberg and CEO Jürgen Rainalter.
An apprenticeship at Getzner offers young people the opportunity to become a sought-after specialist. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, teamwork is a top priority.
To give young people a comprehensive insight into the different areas of work at Getzner, some of them - depending on the apprenticeship - complete their training on a rotational basis: This means that they work in different departments of the vibration control company for several months at a time, thus gaining an impression of which activities suit them and which tasks are of interest to them.
The special commitment to apprenticeships at Getzner is recognized by the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Labor and the state government with the award “Ausgezeichneter Lehrbetrieb”.
"For us, each new task is always the challenge to find a new and better solution."Milan Neugebauer, Press Contact