Getzner presents Journal Paper during PWI & UEEIV Urban Railway Technical Seminar
The PWI & UEEIV Urban Railway Technical Seminar (PWI & UEEIV - The Permanent Way Institution & The Union of European Railway Engineer Associations) took place on October 16th 2018 in Manchester.
Under the topic “Urban Railway”, numerous experts from different areas of the (British) railway industry gave keynote speeches about various topics. DI Stefan Vonbun, Getzner, and Prof. Dr. Ing. Peter Veit, Graz University of Technology presented their Journal Paper on "Elastic elements in track influencing total track costs and reducing vibrations". The presentation was a complete success among the audience. It was also the ignition spark for many fruitful discussions afterwards.
The Journal Paper was also published in the PWI magazine, a digital PDF version can be found here and in the download area.
"Because for Getzner, good ideas point the way forward to a future worth living."Nancy Brandt, Press Contact