Making the subgrade predictable
Achieve best vibration isolation - not a problem with Sylomer®
Large, powerful industrial machines are a significant source of dynamic excitation. This can cause damage to the machine itself, affect nearby machinery and sensitive equipment and even damage the surrounding building structures. Moreover, people in the immediate vicinity can be affected by transmitted vibrations or greatly disturbed by noise. The machine foundation isolation should be designed away from the operating frequency of the machine to have amplitudes and velocities below the limit. Getzner's Engineering Team will make sure that design requirements are met.
Getzner offers customized foundation isolation for various types of machines like pumps, compressors, turbines, machine tools and mills. The elastomer materials Sylomer® and Sylodyn® are located under the machine foundation on top of the subgrade or alternatively on lean concrete.
- Material selection tailored to the machine investigated
- Defined elastic material properties which can be incorporated in any calculation
- Maintenance free products
- Fulfillment of amplitude requirements given by machine manufacturers, codes or standards.
- Services during material installation – like supervision
Making the subgrade predictable - protect the machine
EPCs (Engineering, procurement and construction), construction companies and engineering firms responsible for foundation design are facing special challenges related to the subgrade. Making the subgrade capable of bearing the weight of foundation and machinery is an obvious requirement, but also the dynamic properties of the subgrade cannot be neglected in the dynamic foundation design. Getzner’s solution is the answer making a cost and time efficient foundation design independent of the dynamic subgrade properties possible.
Protect the surrounding - vibration mitigation
Machines generate vibrations, which are introduced in their vicinity, leading to disturbance, damage and interruption of plant operations. Control rooms and equipment, the machine building itself but also offices are exposed to unwanted vibrations.
Passive isolation - vibration mitigation
Machine borne vibrations are typical to a manufacturing environment. Implementing a machine foundation isolation reduces the risk of negative effects of vibrations on the operability of the machine, increases its precision and gives the user additional flexibility where to place the machines.
Installation Procedure
Information available to download
Case study
Three steps to success
The challenge: Sound control for a luxury hotel and a school in the direct vicinity of the power station
The Getzner solution: Decoupled foundation with Sylomer®
The result: Highest noise and vibration mitigation.
„The collaboration with Getzner went really smoothly. The technical support and consultation services provided were always prompt and highly proficient. The installation of the Sylomer® was supervised by experienced Getzner employees.“